Our services

Our services

The Investment Consultant provides tailor-made services. Each assignment was coordinated and discussed in close consultation with the client and the advisors involved. To give an impression of the services that can be provided, an overview of the various themes and possibilities is included below.

The Optimiser

Aiming at improving existing investments. On your behalf and in consultation with existing asset managers, results are analysed and risks and costs are mapped out. On the basis of an RFP, a number of external managers are approached. Based on an investment pitch, choices are made that lead to a reduction in costs and risks and an increase in returns.

Life Goals

Developing an investment strategy that is in line with your requirements and objectives. The strategic and tactical asset allocation is drawn up, managers are selected, benchmarks are agreed and agreements are made about data integration. Everything is recorded in an Investment Policy Statement.

Very Good Governance

In line with the requirements regarding risk, return, active or passive investing, sustainability and other requirements, a Governance structure is drawn up and implemented. We design procedures, assess adherence to the requirements of the Board and/or supervisory committees, and guide and train staff where necessary.

From Entrepreneur to Investor

Being a successful entrepreneur does not automatically mean that your investments on the financial markets will be successful too. We assist you in financial market investments, liquidity for short-term expenses, cash flow for lifetime goals and legacy for goals that go beyond. We make sure that your wealth works for you, risks are managed, the best results are achieved and you keep a handle on the outlay.

Do It Yourself

The Investment Consultant supports clients and their family offices in the fields of Risk analysis, Performance analysis, Attribution analysis, Portfolio advice and Manager selection. Making your own investments, certainly passively, is easier than you think. We assist in the selection of index products, the right providers and assessment of the results.

Spotlight on Private Markets

Find the right investment managers using our tailored, independent manager selection services. Private markets in the area of private equity, private debt, alternative investments like real estate, commodities, hedge funds, crypto currencies and derivatives.

Select the Best

Take a look under the hood of the manager. This also applies to managers with a passive investment strategy. We check for consistency and most importantly, whether a manager fits the investment needs and objectives and whether the results really differentiate themselves from the market and competitors.

Strategy is All About Implementation

If there even is an investment strategy, it must be executed. Selection of brokers, cost calculation, hedging strategies and what to buy or sell at what time. Drawing up an Investment Policy Statement, including the recording of the benchmarking strategy.

Compared to Whom?

A benchmark is a standard or measure that can be used to analyse the allocation, risk, and return of a particular portfolio. A variety of benchmarks can also be used to understand how a portfolio performs relative to different market segments.

Make the World a Better Place

How can you get your wealth to have the impact you want? Invest sustainably. How is sustainability defined and measured?

How can your wealth contribute to a better world after your lifetime? There are several tax-friendly ways to donate your wealth to organisations and causes that you want to support.

Next Generation

Plan the transfer of wealth to the next generation. Make sure you use the right structures. Preparing for the transfer of wealth to the next generations involves tax and wealth planning, but also pension, succession and inheritance planning. Often the design of a family estate course, a tailor-made course in which your children learn about investing, how the financial markets work and the possibilities that exist, is appropriate.